List Rules
Your bot will be denied or deleted for these.
- Admin Invite
We will remove admin perms from your invite unless your bot is an anti-raid bot.
- Mass DM
Please keep your token safe and do not mass DM using your bot.
- Bot Ghost / Bot Designer
We do not approve these bots due to low effort and quality.
- Cloned Bots
Forked bots such as Redbot or JMusicBot will be denied.
- Bad Quality
Low quality bots with brokens command and no error or permission checks will be denied.
- Say Command
Check if the command can ping everyone or limit this command to mods.
Server Rules
Your bot will be muted or kicked from the server for these.
- Level Up
Please disable this or add a mod note.
- Join Messages
Disable DM join messages and use our #testing-logs channel.