IP Insights Bot | Discord Services

Discord Services

IP Insights

This is a Bot wich allows you to get Informations (like GeoIP, Whois, DNS and Ping) about IP Adresses and Domains.

Prefix: /









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General Information

This is a Bot wich allows you to get Informations about IP Adresses and Domains. With this bot, you can get all sorts of Informations out of a IP Adress or Domain. like Informations about the GeoIP, Whois, DNS and Ping of a IP Adress or Domain (See Commands)


  • /​l​o​o​k​u​p​ [INSERT IP ADRESS / DOMAIN HERE] - Lookup Informations about Ip adresses or Domains
  • /whois [INSERT IP ADRESS / DOMAIN HERE] - Get WHOIS Informations about a IP adress or Domain
  • /d​n​s​l​o​o​k​u​p [INSERT DOMAIN HERE] - Lookup DNS Records for a specific Domain
  • /http [INSERT IP ADRESS / DOMAIN HERE] - View the HTTP Headers of a Website
  • /p​i​n​g​ [INSERT IP ADRESS / DOMAIN HERE] - Ping an IP adress or Domain
  • /website - Get a Link to a Website that does the Same
  • /about - Get Informations About this Bot
  • /help - Get this list of Commands

Example Reports:

/lookup Example Report

/whois Example Report

/dnslookup Example Report

/http Example Report

/ping Example Report

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