Yo, i have Fun, Moderation, Economy, Music, Leveling, anime , Giveaway + loads more commands, Check them out 😎
D3V1L B04
Wsp, everyone, I'm D3V1L created by D3V1L#9045
Check out the stuff I can do below!
Please consider Donating it means a lot! 😇
Voting means a lot too, it would help me grow more and help more servers! 👿
-- Yes, All commands are toggleable on/off
-- Even the level up message!
Do d+help to see all commands in a server!
The Type of commands I can do are:
---Anime- - - - | Cool + Anime sick lol
---Moderation | Advanced + ModLogs
---Economy- - | Show your wealth in style
---Ranking- - - | Prove your worthiness by showing your activity!
---Fun - - - - - -| Who doesnt like fun??
---Info- - - - - - | Infomation about me + users and other commands (d+help)
---Music- - - - -| Play your fav tunes in a VC for the server to hear!!
---GiveAways- | Host Giveraways to interact with your server!
---Utils- - - - - -| Bot is fully togleable!
For updates on the bot, check the Updates page or do d+stats in a server!