A Multipurpose bot packed with super advanced features and fill every need in your Server!
The defination of multipurpose - ReeF
ReeF exists to help you and your server members to make their discord experience better.
Information Commands:
Commands to give you information about user/server or alot of other things using the bot
Commands: https://imgur.com/eAxt8It
Example: https://imgur.com/a/4KjuaLiUtility Commands:
Commands ranging from tracking invites and messages to adding emojis from other servers
Commands: https://imgur.com/bggomJx
Example: https://imgur.com/4B51iFvEconomy System:
Earn coins from earning commands and earn badges in your bot profile
Commands: https://imgur.com/wnvE5lW
Example: https://imgur.com/sa5Hnr6Mini Games:
Advanced PvP commands to Play with other members in your Server
Commands: https://imgur.com/iwmLdxG
Example: https://imgur.com/38tF7yLMusic System
Advanced Music playing system with button support for quick actions
Commands: https://imgur.com/FqOXPHs
Example: https://imgur.com/RwiLZycSetup Commands:
Advanced systems ranging from Selfrole system to anti nuke and anti server raid systems
Commands: https://imgur.com/tiBEzsV
Example: https://imgur.com/xR9dWoHModeration Commands:
Moderation commands from fetching server bans to adding roles to everyone / adding nickname to everyone
Commands: https://imgur.com/oIptUX7
Example: https://imgur.com/dZrWnuqAdmin Commands:
Commands for server admins to enable / disable systems like auto role to auto delete systems and chatbot system
Commands: https://imgur.com/8b86Hxm
Example: https://imgur.com/u7jr1kYTicket System:
Advacned ticket system with custom title, description and custom button name and other commands required for tickets
Commands: https://imgur.com/ddtp96e
Example: https://imgur.com/g1r3kMLGiveaway System:
Giveaway system and commands to moderate the giveaways
Commands: https://imgur.com/4fOiEmP
Example: https://imgur.com/yyqY5oHSlash Commands Are Here!!
ReeF will be shifting to Slash commands only, Commands Such as backup and Giveaways & Embed Builder are Slash Only
Commands: https://imgur.com/CCu2OYD
Example: https://imgur.com/rDFF0oq