Roles . . . Roles . . . More Roles . . . Fwogo loves them! Fwogo is a role management bot!
Add me to your Discord Server!
<a href="https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=894206500887748648&permissions=140928994368&scope=bot%20applications.commands"><img src="https://images.cooltext.com/5560250.png" width="225" height="87" alt="Fwogo
" /></a>
<br/>Invite Fwogo by clicking the image or the link above the image!</a>
Slash commands!
rolelist - This will list all the server's roles!
setautorole / deleteautorole - This will set and remove the auto role!
Add / remove role - It will remove and add a role to a user!
AND Many Many more Slash commands!
Vote For us! The Bots main Features and Commands
Reaction Roles
rradd - This adds a reaction role!
rrdel- This deletes a reaction role!
buttonroles- This will create a button role!
menuroles- This will create a menu role!
Utility / Other
Ping- Shows bot latency
Embeds- Generate an embed for your commands!
botsuggest- Give a bot suggestion!
Report- report a bug!
Botinfo- Gives some info about the bot!
Help Commands
Button Roles