Moderation Man
A bot suggested by Burn | Made by Yoshiboi18303 to make your server a safer place for all your friends!
Moderation Man
A bot suggested by Burn
Moderation Man is a bot made by Yoshiboi18303#4045 just for Burn's server, but decided to turn into a public bot!
Click this to invite Moderation Man!
Click this to go to the Moderation Man website!
A list of features for Moderation Man can be found here!
Coming Soon!
Here are the commands supported for Moderation Man!
- [x] Slash Commands
- [ ] Message Commands (maybe not)
Command Prefix
The command prefix right now is /
Worried about your data?
Well then check out the Privacy Policy to see what the developer collects!
You can also join the Support Server if you want to contact Yoshiboi18303#4045
and tell him any concerns you have!
Anyways... sorry to have wasted your time with all this stuff, have fun using Moderation Man!