Flare 🚀
⬆️ Level up your Discord server with high quality-focused commands.
╭─────❴ FLARE ❵─────╮
┊--> This is Flare, a quality-first Discord bot.
┊Flare is about quality, not quantity.
┊We work almost every day to improve the bot and make it even better.
┊We also try to come up with original idea's instead of making ripoffs of other dev's code.
┊--> Example of the commands.
┊flare meme
┊⬆️ Upvotes: 69 Upvotes
┊👥 Subreddit: r/me_irl
┊👤 Author: u/reddit
┊📝 Title: You should invite Flare.
┊meme image here
┊❲ Another One ❳ ❲ Link ❳
┊─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
┊flare help
┊About Me: Flare is a Discord bot...
┊Prefix: My prefix is "flare " example...
┊Navigate: Use the dropdown menu to...
┊banner image here
┊❲ Select a page ⬇︎ ❳
┊--> Our economy system.
┊We tried our best to make a quality-first economy system... about dogs.
┊Our economy system does not contain robbing and other things to fight players.
┊Unlock better commands by buying helper doggo's, hunter doggo's, etc.
┊We even have a daily command that gives you a random amount of a random currency.
┊No streaks required.
┊Our community loves the new economy system and you could try it too!
┊It even works in Flare's DM's.
┊--> Why choose us?
┊Our Discord bot is made for privacy, not tracking everyone. Learn more.
┊Flare offers tools to chat with a ai, have a image welcomer, have a counting channel, good auto-moderation,
┊and much more.
┊--> Join us on our Discord.
┊Join us in our support server here.
┊We allow members to send us their bots to add them in the community bots channels.
┊--> Even more commands.
┊// Moderation
, ban
, kick
, slowmode
, create-backup
, load-backup
, sudo
┊// Auto Moderation
, antiswear
, antiurl
┊// Utility
, afk
, gold
, addemoji
, embed
, sourcebin
, server
┊// Fun
, meme
, bal
, beg
, shop
, hunt
, search
, baker
, bake
, research
, show
, daily
, mail
┊// Other
, counting
, welcomer
, topic
, chatbot
, customcommand
┊// Disclaimer
┊This list will not be kept up to date,
┊please check the help command for more information.
┊--> Our Links
┊If you are interested in the Discord bot, please invite the bot here,
┊Join our support server here,
┊View our privacy policy here,
┊And donate to us here.
┊--> Our Banner