The best non-premium music bot for discord made by finncord
Welcome to Finnmusic
Finnmusic is the best non-premium bot for discord made by Finncord. It is 24/7 on vc and it has a support server too so if you find any bug, support, etc pls contact us on support server.
- ;afk [afk] ~ to keep the bot in the voice channel for 24/7
- ;botinfo [botinfo] ~ Sends The Bots Info
- ;help [command] ~ To show this message
- ;invite [invite] ~ To add/invite the bot to your server
- ;leave [leave] ~ Leaves the voice channel of the messenger
- ;loop loop ~ Toggle music loop
- ;lyrics [lyrics] ~ Get lyrics for the currently playing song
- ;nowplaying ~ To show the music which is currently playing in this server
- ;pause [pause] ~ To pause the current music in the server
- ;ping [ping] ~ To see the bot latency
- ;play | ~ To play songs 😄
- ;playlist ~ To play songs 😄
- ;queue ~ To show the server songs queue
- ;remove rm ~ Remove song from the queue
- ;resume ~ To resume the paused music
- ;search ~ To search songs 😄
- ;shuffle [shuffle] ~ Shuffle queue
- ;skip ~ To skip the current music
- ;skipto skipto ~ Skip to the selected queue number
- ;stop ~ To stop the music and clearing the queue
- ;volume [volume] ~ To change the server song queue volume