Peepy Llama Bot | Discord Services

Discord Services

Peepy Llama

Peepy Llama | Advanced Discord Economy bot

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Peepy Llama


Built with Discord.JS
Lines of Code

PeepyLlama, Discord Economy Bot an with extensive online user dashboard and website panel.

People Llama is a Discord Economy bot featuring Jobs, Items, Games, Pets, Trophies, Rewards and much much more! # HTTPS://PEEPY.INFO

* Peepy discord bot has shareable online user profiles to share your in-game stats in real time! *

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User Profiles

Peepy User Profile


Peepy Leveling

Global Leaderboard

Peepy Leaderboard




💸 Currency

| Command | Usage |
| --- | --- |
| Active | View the top most active bot users. You get more XP by typing in servers! |
| Adopt | Adopt an available pet from the pet shop. |
| Apply | Apply to work as any chosen occupation. |
| Balance | Check a users balance. |
| Baltop | Displays the global richest players. |
| Beg | Ask some strangers for spare change. |
| Buy | Buy an available item from a list of purchasable items. |
| Daily | Collect your daily bonus. |
| Disown | Give your beloved pet up for adoption... |
| Gift | Give another player an item that you own. |
| Give | Pay some of your balance to another player. |
| Inventory | Lift of items a user has in their inventory. |
| Jobs | View full list of available work. |
| Leaderboard | Displays current leaderboard types. |
| Pet | Check statistics about your/another players pets. |
| Petshop | List of all available pets to adopt. |
| Rank | Shows your current level, XP and position on the rankings. |
| Resign | Leave your job. |
| Rob | Steal another players hard earned money. |
| Sell | Sell an item from your inventory. |
| Shop | Buy an item for your inventory. |
| Shoutout | Shoutout another YouTuber (Requires YouTuber job) |
| Use | If an item is useable, lets you use it. (Gift Boxes) |
| Work | Do your job! |

🎲 Games

| Command | Usage |
| --- | --- |
| Connect4 | Play a game of connect 4 against an opponent. |
| Doubleornothing | Test your luck, double... or loose the amount of money you bet. |

Command Usage
Help List of all commands.
Invite Send the bots invite URL as an embed to the chat.
Passive Enables Passive mode so the user cannot rob or be robbed.
Profile Send selected users website profile in chat.


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