kouv radio
This bot plays kouvradio.com 24/7 in the channel you specify with the k!play command This Bot plays the internet radio station kouv radio in a channel 24/7
This bot plays kouvradio.com 24/7 in the channel you specify with the k!play command
This Bot plays the internet radio station kouv radio in a channel 24/7
If you would like to advertise on the station And support it please message my owner or join the support server
Advertisements can include businesses,discord servers and services or anything else that you want to advertise
station is broadcasted and available worldwide
But specializes in Music from the Pacific Northwest music and underground bands And musicians
If you would like to support the station we have Amazon affiliate links on our website a portion of it goes to us
Any little bit will help thank you
my commands
my help menu
bots ping
start playing in your voice channel
stop playing in your voice channel
set to your new voice channel( if bot restarts it will go to the channel u set play duse the same)
go to my wedsite (http://kouvradio.com/)
join my suport server for help