Bot with lot's of Moderation, Fun and Music commands. Updated Frequently!
All Commands:
_help (displays this message)
_info (gives info about Basik)
_members (display's how many members are in the server)
_whatsmyid <user> (replies with the users Discord ID)
_userinfo <user> (sends info about user)
_prefix [whatever you like] (changes basiks prefix to what you want)
_clear (deletes the amount of messages stated)
_kick (kicks the user mentioned with the stated reason)
_ban (bans the user mentioned with the stated reason)
_unban (unbans the mentioned user)
_stats (sends user stats of the bot and the server)
_announce (copies whatever you said then deletes your message)
_invite (creates a server invite)
_random (choose a random letter or number)
_say (make's the bot say whatever you want!)
_stab (stabs the mentioned player!?!?)
_avatar (send's the avatar picture of the mentioned user)
_amazon (gives you a random result that maches that search)
_whatsmyip (replies with your IPv4 address... fake...)
_play (play's the requested song from YouTube)
_stop (stop's the playing song)
_skip (skip the song that is currently playing and play the next)
_queue (coming soon!)
_test (show's what user the bot is connected to and show's ping!)
_ping (show's the ping of the bot and API)
_uptime (show's the uptime of the bot)
_feedback (reccomendations or review)
_report (send bug reports to help make Basik better)