UtiliBots Invites Bot | Discord Services

Discord Services

UtiliBots Invites

Keep track of member server invites all from one bot!

Prefix: ub?









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Bot Features:

  • Users can keep track of every server invite they have created alongside the specific analytics of each.
  • If invite creators rejoin via their own invite then they will be given a fake join which so server administrators can see which users are trying to cheat/abuse the system.
  • You have the option between choosing whether log messages are done via embeds or normal Discord messages.
  • The bot hardly goes offline, if it does, it is most likely due to planned maintenance. Join our Support Server to request help.

Admin Commands:

  • setlog - Set the join/leave logs channel.
  • variables - View a list of variables for join/leave messages.
  • setmessage - Set the join/leave message.
  • togglemessage - Toggle whether logs are sent as a plain.
  • preview - View how the logging outputs when emitted.

User Commands:

  • invites - Information on your/other members server invites.

Miscellaneous Commands:

  • help - View all bot commands.
  • info - View bot information.
  • invite - A link to invite the bot.
  • ping - View the latency of the bot and API.
  • server - View the current server setup.
  • stats - View the statistics of the bot.
  • debug - Debug the bots permissions/functions.
  • bug - Report a bug to the Developer.
  • allinvites - Information on all of the server invites.
  • rate - Rate the bot on various bot lists.
  • reviews - Look at the bot's reviews from Void Bots.
  • suggest - Suggest a feature for the bot.
  • vote - Links to vote for the bot.
  • voted - Check when you and others last voted.
  • votes - View the top 10 bot voters.


This bot is associated with UtiliBots, if you require any support or wish to forward feedback or suggestions then you can do so by visiting the UtiliBots discord server here.

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