Majestic Bot
A Multi-Function bot made to entertain! Every command is stylish, exploit free & entertaining. Custom made unique commands
For generic help the entry point is >help
For specific command help the entry point is
>help (cmd)
Majestic Bot is operated with 5 categorys using a wide variety of commands.
Each category designed to give a fun user experience.
Majestic Bot offers many useful features encouraging our users to have a more enjoyable experience on discord. We hope you can trust us enough to give us a chance!
Here is a detailed list of all our commands:
>afk, >botinfo, >bug, >calc, >embed, >enlarge, >invite, >ping, >poll, >reddit, >serverav, >serverinfo, >shorten, >sudo, >suggest, >timer, >translate, >urban, >weather, >whois
>antispam, >autorole, >br, >censor, >command, >editsnipe, >emotesteal, >forcenick, >massnick, >mem, >nick, >nuke, >perms, >purge, >setprefix, >slowmode, >snipe, >welcome
>cf, >connect4, >gav, >gtw, >howfat, >howgay, >joke, >leaderboard, >magic8, >points, >rps, >snake
>av, >blur, >bnw, >burn, >chicken, >color, >deepfry, >disconnect, >dissolve, >door, >duck, >dym, >explode, >gay, >glitch, >hacker, >headpat, >implode, >invert, >iphone, >kill, >magik, >nokia, >panda, >pixelate, >randomav, >rmcolor, >sepia, >shoot, >sign, >stickbug, >wide, >zoom
>alien, >ascii, >boldsans, >bubble, >cursive, >emoji, >say, >sep, >small, >spoiler, >strike, >typewriter, >zalgo
Any issues please contact me directly via support server, >suggest, >bug
or DMs. I will solve it immediately as soon as available