Role Manager Bot | Discord Services

Discord Services

Role Manager

Manage your server's roles with ease! Includes auto-roles, self-roles and more!

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Admin Commands:

  • /bot-access - Grant a role's members access to a Role Command.

Role Commands:

  • /auto-role - Automatically assign roles to users when they join.
  • /role-persist - Automatically assign roles to a specific user when they join.
  • /self-role - Allow members to give/remove roles from themselves.

Miscellaneous Commands:

  • /help - View all bot commands.
  • /ping - View the latency of the bot and API.
  • /info - View bot information.
  • /stats - View the statistics of the bot.
  • /invite - A link to invite the bot.
  • /privacy - Privacy policy of the bot.
  • /debug - Debug the bots required permissions.
  • /bug - Report a bug.
  • /suggest - Suggest a feature for the bot.
  • /vote - Links to vote for the bot.
  • /voted - Check when you or others last voted.
  • /votes - View all of the bot voters.
  • /rate - Rate the bot on various bot lists.
  • /reviews - View user reviews from Void Bots.

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