Uni 💜 Bot | Discord Services

Discord Services

Uni 💜

just a cute bot that does cute stuff check uni!help for the command list and what she does

Prefix: uni!









More Stats


a cute bot that does stuff

her invite link to add her to your server Uni Invite


General Commands Info
help gives you all the current commands
botinfo get the current stats for Uni
changecolor WIP command that can change users role color
eightball ask the eightball a question and it will give an answer
hextoint put in a hexcode and get the integer for it back
inttohex put in an integer and get the hexcode for it back
invite get the invite for the bot
osu get stats from any osu player
pcpartpicker get a link from users pcpartpickers list
ping check the ping of the bot
saucenao get the image source for an image
serverinfo get the info for the current server
stackoverflow Search for answers on StackOverflow
uptime get the current uptime of the bot
userinfo get info about a person
userprefix change or set your own custom prefix
viewxp profile command (WIP)
vote get link to vote
Image Commands Info
anime gets a random image from my API
baguette get a random baguette image from my API
catgirl get a random catgirl image from my API
duck get a random image from https://random-d.uk/
hug hug another user
yuri get a wholesome yuri picture from my API

for the rest of the commands click here

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