Sancus Bot | Discord Services

Discord Services


Sancus is a multipurpose bot that has a lot of features and is continuing to grow.

Prefix: s!









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By SolarBAM Productions

Sancus is a multipurose customisable bot as well as my Main bot.
My eventitual plan is to make Sancus a bot which has all of the features, then have a few other bots which run some stuff that could be useful on their own.

Some of the features include

  • Moderation commands and system
  • Games
  • Stats
  • Economy System
  • Logging
  • and many more with more coming



  • kick [reason] - Kick those players that you don't mind coming back
  • ban [reason] - Ban those players you don't want to see again
  • unban [reason] - Unban players who were banned by mistake
  • avatar - Get a full size image of the user's avatar
  • userinfo / ui - Get information about a user
  • serverinfo / si - Get information about your server
  • embed - Send and embed message to a channel on your server/guild
  • msgsend - Sends a message to a channel for you
  • setup - Loads up an embed message with all the settings for the bot
  • react add - make a reaction role message emoji


  • payout - Daily money income to your bank
  • beg - Take a change to earn some money
  • balance - Show your balance
  • leaderboard - get the leaderboard of the economy system


  • dice {roll amount (max 5)} - Roll the dice
  • rps {rock, paper or scissors} - Test you luck in a game of Rock Paper Scissors
  • cf - Guess which side the coin will land on, head (h) or tails (t)
  • 8ball {question?} - Ask the mighty 8ball a yes, no question


  • hug {@user} - Hug a friend, they may need it
  • bothug {@user} - Tell me who you want me to hug
  • bothugself - Let me hug myself
  • hugself - Give your self a hug
  • slap {@user} - Give a user a cheeky slap
  • create_poll - Create a poll for user to vote on.
  • gif - Get a random gif
  • invite - Invite Sancus to your own server
  • botserver - Join my server and see all of my updates early
  • covid - displays information on the covid pandemic
  • ping - Get the ping of the bot

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