✨ Multi-purpose Discord bot ✨ Logs ⭐ Chat filter ⭐ Server Bot Scanning ⭐ Join verification ⭐ Autorole ⭐ Reminders ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Fun & more ✨
Stellar is the ultimate all-in-one Discord utility bot. With it's wide selection of features, Stellar tends to stand out. Use our features to control your server with tools like server event logs, chat filter, timeouts, join verification, warnings, autoroling, giveaways, and much much more.
Stellar also introduces a command that allows you to scan your server's members. Want to see if you possibly have scamming users in your Discord? Use the scanmembers command to find if anything is wrong with your server.
Administration Commands
purge, ban, scanmembers, kick, unban, lock, unlock, poll, softban, clonechannel, timeout add, timeout remove, warn add, warn remove, warn view, warn clear
ping, donate, afk, uptime, info, serverinfo, snipe
joke, flip, whois, avatar, urban, respository, githubuser
Auto Role
autorole config, autorole toggle, autorole setrole
verification toggle, verification setchannel, verification setrole, verification config
Chat Filter
chatfilter config, chatfilter ignoreadmins, chatfilter addword, chatfilter removeword, chatfilter setlogchannel, chatfilter addwhitelistedrole, chatfilter removewhitelistedrole
logs config, logs toggle, logs setchannel, logs ignorechannel, logs unignorechannel
giveaway start
Get started with autorole by using the /autorole setrole command. Then, use /autorole toggle. Easy as that!
Use the chatfilter to disallow people from saying specific words. Firstly, use /chatfilter toggle, then:
- Use /chatfilter setlogchannel to set a channel where chatfilter triggers are sent.
- Use /chatfilter addword/removeword to add/remove words from the blacklist.
- Use /chatfilter ignoreadmins to ignore users with the Administrator permission.
- Use /chatfilter config to view the current config.
Configuration Help Commands: