New Generation of Bot having Multiple features like Moderation , Giveaway , Self-roles , setup and Many more like this.
Bolt prime is all in one bot.
It can helps you in moderation. With this bot you can also play games, mini games and watch animes emotion in your friends avatar
Welcome images, voice/text levels, reaction roles, logs, high quality music, moderation and many many more!
Per-server economy/money/currency system | Casino games (blackjack, roulette, & more) | Server shop | Moderation | Reminders | Premium music
Dive in unique discord games with your friends
use leveling system in your discord server, it will give roles according to their levels
Also you can use the bot for giveaway, voting, poll, info about the users.If you want to make it more easier you can use slash commands to see things.
more updates will come in future